Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Is it easy to replace a cabin air filter in a Lexus?
I have a low-mileage car and normally only get the 15,000 mile service every 3 years. If I know how to change the filter myself, I could change it every 1.5 years to keep the car smelling fresh. Where is it, and is it hard to get to it? Thanks.Is it easy to replace a cabin air filter in a Lexus?On all of the Lexus models that I work on it is easy to replace the cabin filter. On most models all you have to do is remove a plastic cover in the glovebox. The instructions are in your owners manual. You should have no problem. When you buy some filters the instructions are in the box. Be careful, sometimes there are leaves and debris on top of the filter when you remove it. The debris can fall into the blades of your heater fan. If this happens, take a vacuum cleaner with a small flexible attachment on it and remove it from the fan. If debris falls in the fan it will vibrate when it runs at high speeds.Is it easy to replace a cabin air filter in a Lexus?Not sure about ease to get. If it is easy to replace, then how to do so will be in owners manual. Watch the next time you take it in (or ask) and remember.