Is there a way to change the fuel to air mixture ratio for a corsa sxi 1.2 16v 02
The to put in more fuel to air isn t this done with the carberrtor under the air filterHow can change the fuel to air mixture for a corsa sxi?it is all done by th e.c.u. Try getting a phase one e.c.u remap.How can change the fuel to air mixture for a corsa sxi?Hi
messing with the air to fuel mixture is not something you want to do.
the best way to check if the mixture is wrong is to look at the colour of the spark plugs nose. that is the colour of the Porcelain next to where the spark takes place it should be a chocolate colour if the mixture is correct.
if it is pale then the mixture is week and would require Professional help.
if the colour is black it could be the air filter needs changing or the plugs have oiled up as the engine is worn and burning oil.
yet again i believe this car is a fuel injected system controlled by an engine management system not to be fiddle with as it could lead to a fire.